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Talking about File Formats isn’t business unusual. But when it comes to finding exact file format specifications of a specific file format, a single place to get you the most of such information can be really helpful. A single source of such information can not only give useful overview of the overall organization of file format details, but also lead to a healthy community discussion.

While searching around for one such source, we came across https://fileformat.com. At first, it appeared to be something similar to other file format information sources. But after exploring it further, it came out to be much more than just a normal file format information website. Here is how it differs from other conventional file format information sources available.

  1. FileFormat.com aims at building user community for useful discussions related to File Formats. For this purpose, their community forum available at: https://forum.aspose.com gives an opportunity to everyone for getting into discussions related to File Format specifications. This will let developer enthusiasts interact with each other on a single platform for getting the most out related to file format specifications.

  2. Knowledge base about File Formats is another attractive source of knowledge about File Format specifications in the form of File Format wiki. The File Format wiki available at: https://wiki.fileformat.com/ targets file formats from their specifications point of view in addition to general File Format information.

FileFormat.com seemed to us a single source of information for all our queries related to File Formats. We, specially, find its community forum and Wiki useful from developer’s perspective in terms of resolving the unknowns while working with File Formats…
